leanne kaun

In Memory of Leanne Kaun: A Woman of Strength and Compassion

Who is Leanne Kaun?

Sadly, Leanne Goggins, the Hollywood actor Walton Goggins’s wife from the television shows Justified, Lincoln, Django Unchained, and the film Predators, passed away unexpectedly in 2004. In 2001, Walton wed Leanne, and the two of them shared a home until her tragic passing.

Leanne Goggins appeared to have a fulfilling life. She turned her love for animals into a successful business and enjoyed the status of being married to a famous personality. However, appearances can be deceiving. Despite the apparent glamour and success, Leanne faced inner struggles that led to her untimely demise in 2004. Initially, her decision left many puzzled, questioning the factors that could drive someone in her position to such a drastic act. What circumstances could have pushed the wife of a renowned actor to take her own life? These questions and more will be explored further.

Who Was Leanne Goggins?

Leanna Goggins was the former spouse of the renowned Hollywood actor and producer Walton Goggins. She was born in Canada in 1967 to Arnold Kaun and Peggy. While details about her early life and education are scarce, it is known that she had a brother named Jay. Leanne grew up in a household grounded in Christian values, influenced by her parents’ strong faith.

From birth, Leanne faced challenges as she was born with jaundice, leading to a viral disease that persisted throughout her childhood. This health condition required her to adhere to a strict diet to manage recurring infections. Additionally, the financial strain caused by her medical needs affected her parents, and Leanne had to miss school on several occasions due to her health issues.


Leanne Goggins, originally Leanne Kaun, entered the world in 1967 in Canada. Raised in a devout Christian environment in Calgary, she was nurtured by her parents, Peggy and Arnold Kaun, alongside her brother Jay.

Early on, Leanne confronted health hurdles stemming from jaundice, leading to a persistent viral illness that shadowed her childhood years. Coping with these challenges meant following a disciplined diet, which also imposed financial burdens on her family. 

Nevertheless, Leanne’s determination shone through, enabling her to successfully navigate through elementary and high school despite the obstacles she faced.


NameLeanne Kaun
Date of birth1967
Country of birthCanada
Death dateNovember 12, 2004
Age at time of death37 years old
ParentsPeggy and Arnold Kaun
SiblingsJay (brother)
ProfessionDog trainer
Hair colourDark brown
Eye colourBlue
Waist size24 inches
Bra size34 inches
Hip size32 inches

Leanne Goggins Was Originally From Canada

Leanne Goggins, born in Canada in 1967, hailed from a family of four, including her father Arnold Kaun, mother Peggy Kaun, and brother Jay. Interestingly, although born in Canada, her parents were Americans, granting her dual Canadian and American citizenship.

Growing up in Canada, Leanne faced significant health challenges stemming from jaundice during her childhood and teenage years. This condition not only impacted her dietary needs and immune system but also led to various viral illnesses. The financial strain caused by her medical needs added further complexity, resulting in extended periods of absence from school.

Despite these obstacles, Leanne remained resilient and dedicated, successfully completing her elementary and high school education. Her determination also extended to obtaining a college degree, showcasing her perseverance and commitment to her education despite adversity.

She Ran a Dog-Walking Business in Los Angeles

During her upbringing, Leanne Goggins harbored a deep affection for animals, particularly dogs. Despite being unable to have a pet due to health concerns, she found joy in caring for other people’s furry companions. As she transitioned into adulthood and regained her health, Leanne pursued her passion by establishing a dog walking business in the Laurel Canyon neighborhood of Hollywood Hills after moving to the United States.

Her venture quickly gained traction and became immensely successful, attracting a loyal clientele. Among her notable patrons was Liberty, the esteemed mascot of Canyon News. Leanne dedicated herself to the operation of her dog walking business until her unfortunate passing. Her love for animals and entrepreneurial spirit left a lasting impact on her community and the pets she cared for.

How Leanne Became Walton Goggins’ Wife

Walton Sanders Goggins Jr., an artist of the stage, held the role of Leanne Goggins’ life partner. Walton, originating from Alabama, entered this world in Birmingham on November 10, 1971. His pursuit of knowledge led him to Georgia Southern University, although he departed from academic pursuits to delve into the realm of dramatic arts. This decision prompted his relocation to Los Angeles, where he secured minor roles in several theatrical productions.

The turning point in Walton’s career arrived with “Murder in Mississippi,” a cinematic ode to civil liberties from the year 1990. Since then, he has meticulously crafted a formidable presence across both televised dramas and silver screen adventures. Noteworthy among his television endeavors are acclaimed series such as The Shield, Justified, Sons of Anarchy, Vice Principals, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Six, and Criminal Minds. In the realm of cinema, Walton has lent his talents to works including Tomb Raider, Cowboys & Aliens, Django Unchained, and The Hateful Eight.

The Couple Tied the Knot in 2001 in Canada 

Leanne Goggins crossed paths with her future spouse in 1999 while on the set of the film “Shanghai Noon” in Canada, starring renowned actors like Jackie Chan, with Walton playing a supporting role. As they conversed, they discovered a mutual fondness, leading to the commencement of a romantic relationship that culminated in marriage in Canada in 2001. Following their wedding, Leanne Goggins relocated to the United States to embark on a new phase of life.

Initially, their marriage flourished with joy, but Goggins began to experience increasing bouts of melancholy and discontent. These feelings were attributed to her husband’s demanding work commitments in the entertainment industry. His thriving acting career often necessitated prolonged periods away from home, leaving her without the support of close friends and family. Eventually, Leanne Goggins made the difficult decision to end the marriage, filing for divorce in November 2014.

Leanne Goggins Committed Suicide in November 2004

Leanne Goggins tragically passed away on November 12, 2004, after leaping from a high-rise office building in Los Angeles, which was located on the seventeenth storey. Her battle with depression has been linked to her death, which resulted from the injuries she received in the fall. She was given medical attention for her condition, but sadly, it was unable to stop this tragic conclusion. Her sudden passing left her estranged husband as well as her close relatives in great mourning. On November 29, a burial service was conducted in her honor at the Hollywood burial Home, which is situated on Santa Monica Boulevard.

She Committed Suicide Out of Depression

In November 2004, a pivotal moment occurred when Leanne Goggins served divorce papers to Walton, marking the conclusion of their marriage. Reports online suggest that the demanding schedule of the actor from “The Hateful Eight,” which often kept him away for extended periods, coupled with the bustling lifestyle of Los Angeles, made living conditions unbearable for Leanne. Notably, she also battled chronic depression and sought treatment from a nearby mental health clinic near their residence.

Tragedy compounded for Walton shortly after receiving the divorce papers. On November 12, Leanne leaped from the 17th floor of a tall office building in what appeared to be a suicide attempt. Although she survived the fall initially, the injuries proved too severe for the nearby clinic to save her.

Beyond the struggles with depression, it has been suggested that encountering a deceased body while walking her dog in 2003 added to the emotional turmoil that eventually led to her untimely passing. Among the attendees at her funeral were Walton Goggins’ colleagues from his television series at that time, “The Shield.”

Walton Goggins Remarried Six Years After to a Filmmaker

Walton Goggins started a new chapter in his life six years after the horrific incident when he married filmmaker Nadia Conners in August 2011. Years of romance preceded their union, yet few information remain regarding their first meeting and the nature of their relationship. It is known, nevertheless, that their same interests—in particular, their commitment to environmental causes—led them to become friends.

Prior to tying the knot, Walton and Nadia welcomed their son, Augustus, into the world in February 2011. Despite his young age, Augustus played a significant role as the best man during their wedding six months later.

In the world of Hollywood, Nadia Conners, the second spouse of Walton Goggins, operates on the outskirts as a creator of documentaries. She concluded her academic pursuits in European Cultural Studies at the American University of Paris, earning her degree in 1992.

Nadia’s journey in filmmaking took her to Cairo, where she undertook her first documentary endeavor. After returning to Los Angeles, she co-established Tree Media Group alongside her sister, Leila Conners Peterson. Noteworthy among their creations is the highly-regarded environmental documentary “The 11th Hour,” a collaborative effort with Leonardo DiCaprio, where she served as writer, director, and producer. Her body of work also encompasses projects such as “Earthquake Weather,” “Water Planet,” and “Global Warming.”

What is her profession?

Leanne Kaun Goggins developed a deep affection for animals at a tender age. Despite being unable to have pets due to health concerns, she poured her love into caring for other people’s animals. As she matured, her health improved, affording her the opportunity to fully immerse herself in her passion.

Launching a dog walking enterprise in the picturesque Laurel Canyon neighborhood of Hollywood Hills, Leanne’s venture experienced remarkable growth, quickly establishing itself as a leading service provider in the area. Her clientele expanded rapidly, attracting notable figures such as Liberty, the esteemed mascot of Canyon News.

Leanne’s dog training services encompassed a comprehensive approach. Ensuring each canine companion adhered to a balanced diet regimen, she curated exciting and diverse walking routes to keep them engaged and active.

Beyond mere walks, Leanne also conducted training sessions covering a range of activities including running, swimming, and hiking. Her reputation for exceptional care and training skills garnered praise from satisfied clients, propelling her business to prominence beyond local boundaries.


Leanne Goggins harbored a profound love for animals since childhood. She founded a dog walking enterprise situated in the scenic Laurel Canyon neighborhood of Hollywood Hills.

Her business flourished rapidly, earning a reputation as one of the premier services in the area.

Renowned for her attentive care and expert training methods, Leanne ensured that every dog under her care received a tailored diet and enjoyed invigorating walks filled with excitement and exploration.

Net Worth

Leanne Goggins was said to have a net value of $300,000, a figure complemented by her husband’s approximate net worth of $8 million.

Personal Life

Leanne crossed paths with Walton Goggins in 2000, sparking a romantic connection that quickly blossomed. Their union in 2001 marked the official start of their marital journey, albeit one marked by trials stemming from conflicts and misunderstandings.

Leanne and Walton Goggins Relationships

Upon their initial encounter in 2000, Leanne and Walton Goggins kindled a romantic flame that swiftly led to a courtship. It was in 2001, just before Walton’s involvement in Shanghai Noon concluded, that they solemnized their union.

Following their nuptials, Leanne made the move to Los Angeles, and at first glance, their union appeared serene and ideal. However, with the passage of time, complications arose stemming from inevitable clashes and misunderstandings. These obstacles gradually intensified, ultimately culminating in their legal separation in 2004.

Accounts suggest that Leanne’s discontentment with Walton’s rigorous timetable played a significant role in straining their marital bond.

Additionally, her desire to return to her native Canada clashed with their life in Los Angeles. Ultimately, it was Leanne who initiated the divorce, bringing their four-year partnership to an end.

Prior to their separation, Leanne and Walton were admired by fans and friends alike as a model couple, often seen together at public events radiating happiness.

Following their divorce, communication between them ceased, with both parties removing traces of their relationship from social media and other online platforms.

What did Leanne Goggins die of?

Leanne unfortunately died soon after her divorce on November 12, 2004, after jumping from a skyscraper in Los Angeles that was located on the 17th floor. Many people are curious in the circumstances surrounding Walton Goggins’ wife’s choice to end her own life in the wake of this tragic incident.

It’s known that Leanne had been battling chronic depression for some time. Just days before her suicide, she had taken the difficult step of handing Walton divorce papers, marking the end of their four-year marriage.

Leanne died as a result of her fall injuries, even though she was given medical attention for them. Her family and her estranged husband have been deeply affected by her sudden death.

Many mourners turned out for Leanne’s funeral, which took place on November 29, 2004, at the Hollywood funeral home on Santa Monica Boulevard. Her clients, who really valued her exceptional care for their cherished dogs, were especially saddened by her loss.

Leanne Goggins’s obituary highlighted the vacuum left by her absence and conveyed the deep sorrow and grief felt by those who knew her.


Birth: Leanne Kaun was born in 1967 in Canada to parents Peggy and Arnold Kaun, with a brother named Jay.

Career: Leanne developed a deep love for animals and founded a successful dog-walking business in Hollywood Hills, catering to a high-profile clientele.

Marriage: Leanne married Hollywood actor Walton Goggins in 2001 after meeting him on the set of “Shanghai Noon” in 1999. However, their marriage faced challenges due to Walton’s demanding work schedule, leading to their divorce in 2004.

Tragic Passing: Leanne Goggins tragically passed away on November 12, 2004, at the age of 37, after jumping from a high-rise building in Los Angeles due to battling chronic depression.


Leanne Kaun, also known as Leanne Goggins after her marriage to Hollywood actor Walton Goggins, was born in Canada in 1967. Despite facing health challenges in her childhood due to jaundice, she pursued her passion for animals and established a successful dog-walking business in Hollywood Hills. Her marriage to Walton Goggins faced difficulties due to his demanding career, ultimately leading to their divorce. Tragically, Leanne passed away in 2004 due to battling chronic depression.


What was Leanne Kaun’s profession? Leanne Kaun was a successful dog trainer and owner of a dog-walking business in Hollywood Hills.

When did Leanne Kaun marry Walton Goggins? Leanne Kaun married Walton Goggins in 2001 after meeting him in 1999 on the set of “Shanghai Noon.”

What led to Leanne Kaun’s tragic passing? Leanne Kaun battled chronic depression, which culminated in her decision to end her life by jumping from a high-rise building in Los Angeles in 2004.

How did Leanne Kaun’s death impact her family and community? Leanne Kaun’s death left her family, including her estranged husband Walton Goggins, in deep mourning. Her clients and community members who valued her care for their pets were also saddened by her loss.

What legacy did Leanne Kaun leave behind? Leanne Kaun’s legacy includes her successful business, her passion for animals, and the impact she had on her community through her caring nature and dedication to her work.

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